Svim srcem navijam za napad i probijanje u Oblast 51. Pored svih svetskih misterija i tajni koje ćemo saznati, elijenističke kulture i tehnologije, Tesline zabranjene izume, gde je Molderova sestra, saznaćemo i ono najbitnije. Šta je entitet koji se predstavlja kao Joakim Broden i sa koje planete je došao? Jer činjenica kad neko napiše ovakav, deveti - mejdeni stali posle sedmog - album, tu već više nisu čista posla. Dakle, da sumiramo u jednoj rečenici.
Čekao sam tri jebene godine i zadržavam svako pravo da ne budem objektivan. E sad....."Veliki rat".
Već nakon "Heroes" albuma sam se trudio da budem realan i očekivanja smanjim na minimum, jer, budimo objektivni, sve dobre ideje moraju da presuše jednom. Od "The last stand"-a sam očekivao 50-50 album što se kvaliteta pesama tiče i sa tom brojkom bih bio i više nego zadovoljan. Nakon što sam se spektakularno zajebao, a album ispao 80-20 u korist fenomenalnosti, jedino logično je bilo da novi album makar polovično (opet) ispuni očekivanja. Jesam li u pravu? Spektakularni zajeb, ovoga puta je dostigao epske razmere i silovito me šutnuo u predelu stomaka, pritom zakačivši moje nezaštićene mošnice. Iz grča i kašljanja, ulazimo u sam "Veliki rat".
Spekulacije o tematici su sa moje strane bile šarenolike. Za nešto sam predpostavljao da će biti, a za nešto se nadao. Nešto što sam predpostavljao se ostvarilo, a ono što sam se nadao ostalo je u obliku suze u krajičku oka. Kao što sam naslov govori, priče su iz Prvog svetskog rata, a za razliku od "Carolusa" ili "TLS"-a, alum ni na jedan način nije konceptualan. Bend je za ovu priliku odabrao najzanimljivije priče iz tog perioda i pretočio ih u jedanaest numera.
Muzički "The Great war" na prvo slušanje predstavlja klasični Sabaton album. Horski refreni, jaki, distorzirani rifovi sa klavijaturom kao potporom i vokal koji me tera da se skinem go, namažem plavom bojom, obučem kilt i dok viltam mačem urlam Freeeedom sa izraženim škotskim akcentom. No, da budemo malo i ozbiljni, iako na prvo slušanje zvuči standardno Sabatonski, ipak nije sve tako, Oni jesu bend koji ima proverenu formulu rada, ali ono što je meni posebno drago je da im eksperimentisanje nije strano. Konkretno na ovom albumu "The red Baron", "The End of the War to End All Wars", pa čak i "In Flanders Fields". Ne zaboravimo na prethodim albumima "Blood of Bannockburn", "Lost Batallion", kao i "Ballad of Bull".
Drugo. Na ovom albumu se oseća osetan povratak rifova koji vode pesme, kao i muzički povratak na pesme sa starijih albuma. No detaljnije o tome kasnije.
Treće. Solaže. Ovo je možda ploča sa najbolje osmišljenim i odsviranim solažama koje je bend snimio. Svaka pesma ima svoju ariju, gde je pažnja stavljena na svaki ton. Dokaz da shred nije sve, a to nas dovodi do stavke broj četiri.
Ovakav album mislim da nije bilo moguće snimiti sa starom postavom, što zbog samog kvaliteta svirke, što zbog činjenice da je više članova učestvovalo u samom procesu stvaranja i komponovanja pesama, samim tim ubacivši deo svog ličnog pečata u veliki rat.
Peto . Sitni eksperimenti koje sam gore pominjao. Najbolje se vide u momentima kao što je "Red baron", koja je miks roka sedamdesetih i distorziranog metala prožetog hamond organom, zatim samo Joakimovo pevanje. Čini mi se kao da je malo eksperimentisao sa načinima pevanja, igrajući se sa "dubinom" glasa, kao i većom "hrapavosti" (čitaj više kao growl). Takođe na par mesta ima par iznenađujuće progresivnih delova koje su prava poslastica za uši. I za kraj, poema "In Flanders fields", koja će raznežiti i ono najtvrđe srce okovano crnim željezom.
Šesto. Omot i kompletni izgled velikog rata. Piter Šalai je toliko izdominirao sa novim artwork-om da ja nemam reči. U jednoj slici uspeo je da uhvati to beznađe rata i u devastiranom vojniku da postavi pitanje "čemu sve ovo"?
Jeste li se uspavali već? Sestro....skalpel....krećemo u disekciju.

1. The Future of Warfare - Numera koja otvara album... i to kakva. Mislim da u odnosu na openere prošlih albuma (Ghost division, Primo Victoria, Attero Dominatus, Night witches), nije toliko udaran hit, ali svakako pesma koja novim slušaocima u samom startu otkriva šta da očekuju od Sabatona i grmi ono što bend ima da poruči. Interesantno, za nijansu mračnija pesma od onoga na šta smo navikli i sa dozom progresive koje ne čujemo tako često. Pesma govori o najmodernijoj mašini za masovno uništenje, devastaciju i kotrljajućoj smrti. Tenku.
2. Seven Pillars of Wisdom - Nastavljamo dalje. Pesma koja nas vodi kroz životnu priču britanca, daleko od svog zavičaja, koji svojim avanturama na bliskom istoku stiče svetski poznati nadimak "Lorenc od Arabije". Sjajna pesma koja neodolljivo podseća na "White death", a sve što podseća na bilo šta sa "Coat of Arms"-a je samo plus.
3. 82nd All the Way - Legenda o 82. pešadijskoj diviziji kaže sledeće. Alvin Jork i njegovih sedam saboraca su uspeli da zauzmu nemačko mitraljesko gnezdo, u procesu ubivši 25, a zarobivši 135 nemaca. Tekst pesme je dovoljno objasnio sam po sebi: "What Sergeant York achieved that day, Echoes from France to the USA". Definitivno jedan od najsjajnijih momenata na albumu. Školski primer kako najbolje iskoristiti Sabaton formulu za hit.
4. The Attack of the Dead Men - Meni lično možda i najbrutalnije-zanimljivo ispričana priča. Naslov ni malo ne laže. Naime, reč je o napadu na tvrđavu Osowiec, u sadašnjoj Poljskoj, hlor-otrovnim gasom. Nakon što su mislili da su pobili sve, Nemci su krenuli u ofanzivu. Međutim na njihovo iznenađenje, ruski branitelji, lica uništenih od gasa, kašljući krv sa maramama preko usta uspevaju da odbiju napad. Otud i naziv pesme "mrtvaci", jer su bukvalno ličili na zombije. Zanimljivo je da mi je ova pesma na prvo slušanje bila čist prosek, čak ništa specijalno. Što sam je više slušao, sve je više skakala ka samom vrhu ovog albuma. Poseban osvrt na bridž pesme, tj. deo pre refrena gde se sve usporava, muzika i vokal, stvarajući scenu filma u glavi gde gas udara i halucinacije i smrt nastupaju. Jedan od najboljih momenata albuma.
5. Devil Dogs - Da ne bude kako samo sipam hvalospeve i ode junaštvu, ovo mi je prvi slabiji momenat na albumu. Dakle, polako sa penom na ustima.......ne kažem loš, kažem slabiji. Nešto slično "Killing Grounds" sa Carolusa. Klasična Sabaton pesma koja, opet po meni, ne odskače od ostalih. Neka im u budućnosti pola albuma bude kao ova pesma i ja sam srećan. "Devil dogs" je naziv za američke marince koji su se borili u WW1 i njihovim poduhvatima u Belau šumi. Muzički, brat blizanac je pesme "Smoking snakes".
6. The Red Baron - Drugi singl koji je najavio nadolazeći album. A kako najbolje započeti nego sa Sebastijanom Bahom. Ne ne, Skid Row nema veze sa ovim, iako je klasika. Dokaz broj jedan na ovom albumu da se Sabaton ne plaši eksperimentisanja. Pesma koja obiluje Hamond Organom, a iz koje vrišti Deep Purple vajb, služi na čast verovatno najslavnijem pilotu koji je ikada leteo. Pesma je omaž Crvenom baronu i njegovoj eskadrili poznatijoj kao "Leteći cirkus". Po prvi put da je Sabaton uradio pesmu u "šafl" maniru i nisu pogrešili.

7. Great War - Do sada nas je iskustvo naučilo da pesma koja se zove isto kao i album, bar što se Sabatona tiče, ispadne metal himna. Great War nije izuzetak, a svoju titulu metal himne ponosno nosi na maljavim grudima kao orden časti. Himna albuma u najboljem smislu koja priča o majci koja je u ratu dobila dva telegrama o smrti dva sina. Treći, poslednji, koji je takođe ratovao, odlučio je da se neće vratiti kući u koverti i vratio se nazad u SAD. Poseban osvrt na horska pevanja i kompoziciju same pesme.
8. A Ghost in the Trenches - Upotrebiću se terminologijom za odrasle. Da li muškarac može da skvrtuje? Da. Može. I to na otprilike 2:50 minuta ove pesme. Ko je čuo, zna zašto. Lično jedna od tri najbolje pesme na albumu. Zašto je to tako, ne znam, ali jednostavno jeste i to je ono što ovaj bend čini prikladnim za sve. Zato je Sabaton svačiji bend. Svako voli i svako se pronašao u nekoj drugoj pesmi. Dobro je kad se fanovi ne slažu oko toga šta je najbolje. To bend čini velikim. Priča o ludaku zvanom Fancis Pegahmagabow, koji, pored toga što je bio najuspešniji snajperista Velikog rata, bio bukvalno duh. Prelazio je noću u neprijateljske rovove neopažen i krao municiju, hranu, lekove, koje je potom vraćao kanađanima. under fire.....UNDER FIRE!
9. Fields of Verdun - Priča koju jednostavno nije moguće ispričati ukratko. Najduža bitka koja je trajala skoro godinu dana. Tačnije 303 jebena dana. Oda francuskom junaštvu i odbrani Verduna. Poprilično krvavoj i brutalnoj.Sama po sebi, muzika je ono što Sabaton čini najboljim bendom na svetu. Neko nov ko čuje Verdun i ne svidi mu se, nek traži sreću u pop muzici i sa srećom da refren izbaci iz glave. Sa punim pravom odabrana za spot i prvi singl.
10. The End of the War to End All Wars - Zamislite scenu......vojnik koji stoji nad telima, u moru krvi i čaura. Posle četiri i po godine, kraj je rata. Konačno. Veliki rat. Rat koji je trebalo da odredi dalju sudbinu sveta i donese mir. A da li je? Vojnik koji se ovde pita "Čemu sve ovo", "Zašto je moralo ovoliko krvi da se prolije i šta smo time dobili"? Muzički koncipirana tako da odražava hoas. Bez reda i smisla, emocije svih vrsta, od tuge do gneva, straha do beznađa. Opet......moram da budem iskren ovde, koliko god mi se sviđao ovaj eksperiment i koliko god imao par maestralno komponovanih momenata, ovo mi je drugi slabiji momenat albuma. Pucajte, ali tako je. Da se razumemo.....drago mi je da postoji i ne bih ga menjao.
11. In Flanders Fields - Prva pesma Sabatona, gde zapravo Sabatona i nema. Čujemo samo hor. Ovo je verovatno najbolji mogući način da se završi ovakav album o užasima rata. Poema koju je napisao kanadski vojnik John McCrae, a bend je samo radio muziku. Prelepa pesma koja smiruje svu grmljavinu eksplozija i jecaje ranjenika.

Mogao bih još da pišem o istorijskoj potpori pesmama, ali.....za tu priliku imamo nešto još bolje. Već neko vreme u toku je Sabaton History Channel na YouTube-u. Malo po malo izbacuju kratke emisije u kojima govore nešto o istoriji iza svake pesme. Voditelj i ko-kreator je verovatno najbolja osoba na kugli zemaljskoj za ovaj poduhvat. Niko drugi nego grand motherfucker himself Indi Najdel. Njegovo znanje istorije je misterija vredna posebne priče. Tako da, svi koji su raspoloženi i imaju sredstava, Patreon je spreman i aktivan, a Patreonce čekaju nagrade u budućnosti,
Još jedna stvar koju sam zamalo zaboravio je činjenica da je Sabaton pre izlaska ovog albuma objavio pesmu "iznenađenja" koja se ne nalazi na njemu. Naime, reč je o pesmi "Bismarck" koja sa strahopoštovanjem peva o brodu, koji je bio najveća zver na sedam okeana. Pesma je rađena za potrebe igre "World of Warships", za koju su i finansirali maestralan spot. Elem......pre izlaska pesme, naivno sam pomislio da će to biti prosečna pesma, poput "Harley from Hell", jer se ipak nije našla na albumu........jedna od najboljih pesama Sabatona koje su ikad snimili......hvala.
I za kraj bilo bi lepo naglasiti da bend koji je ambiciozno krenuo iz malog Faluna pre dvadeset godina, sada ide na svoju američku turneju. A dok mi čekamo negde tamo oko Aprila i nadamo se da nas neće zaobići, zagrevamo se "Velikim ratom". Album je izašao u čak tri zvanične verzije. Regularan album, History edition verzija sa ženskim naracijama o svakoj pesmi i "Soundtrack to Great War" koja zvuči kao orkestracija za film ili predstavu, a u kojoj gostuje i Floor Jansen. Četvrta verzija je posebna CD varijanta sa drugačijim omotom za Patreon saborce.
Posebna zahvalnica za mog kuma Nebojšu Mitrovića i sva sranja koja je morao da mi objašnjava jer sam bio dovoljno lenj da ih tražim sam :)
Od mene toliko za sad.......počinje odbrojavanje tri godine. Great war.....the war to end all wars.

With all my heart and soul i am up and cheering for storming Area 51. Aside all world mysteries and secrets that we are going to discover, alienistic cultures and lost technologies, Tesla's forbidden inventions, also where is Molder's sister, we are going to find out the most important thing. What actually is entity that calls itself Joakim Broden and which planet did he came from. Fact is....when someone delivers ninth album like this (Iron Maiden stopped after seventh), something is not right. So....let's summarize in one sentence.
I've waited three fucking years and i reserve all rights to not be objective. After i got that off my chest, let's continue. After "Heroes" album i honestly tried to be as realistic as possible and lower my expectations down to minimum simply because, let's be objective for a second, all good ideas need to dry up once. From "The Last Stand" i expected 50-50 album in terms of quality, and with that i would be completely satisfied. After i spectacularly fucked myself in that calculation and album turned out to be 80-20 in odds of phenomenallity (if this is not real word, it is now), next logical thing was to think that album after will be at least half good. Right? Spectacular fuck up this time ascended to epic scales and forcefully kicked me in stomach which in process hit my unprotected groin. In between spazing and coughing we enter the Great War.
Speculations about theme of the album were colorful from my perspective. For some themes i thought they will appear, for other i purely hoped. The ones i thought indeed appeared, and the ones i hoped for were left in form of salty tears in the corner of my eyes. As the name itself speaks, stories are all form WW1 period, and in difference of "Carolus Rex" or "TLS", this time there is no any concept. For this, band choose most interesting stories and mixed it up in form of eleven songs.

From first listening, musically "The Great War" is standard Sabaton album. Choir choruses, strong, distorted riffs, mixed with keyboard foundation and of course vocal that makes me wanna strip naked, paint myself half blue, wear kilt and while swinging sword, scream Freeedom in strong Scottish accent. Let's be serious for a bit, although they indeed sound like same old Sabaton it's not that simple. They are band that follow formula to success that they created, but aside from that, experiments are no strangers to them. For example, here we have "Red Baron", "The End of the War to End All Wars", even "In Flanders Fields". Let's not forget older ones "Blood of Bannockburn", "Lost Battalion", and "Ballad of Bull".
Second. On this album there is strong feel of riffs that leads through the song, just like musical look a like to some of their old albums. More on that later.
Third. Solos. Great War is probably album with best written and best played solos that they recorded so far. Every song has it's own aria and every single tone seems to be right where it should be. Pure proof that shredding is not everything. Which brings us to number four.
This album, in my humble opinion, could not be recorded with old members. As because of playing quality and live deliverance, as for the fact that this time more band members were involved in process of making and composing new songs. That only brought fresh ideas and their own personal seal of epicness.
Fifth. That experiments i've been rambling about. Best shown in moments like "Red Baron", which is mix of seventies and heavily distorted metal alongside hammond organ. Then, Joakim's singing alone. It seems to me that he is exploring new bass, or deep voice techniques as well as more growl-like ones. Few parts on the album also contain progressive moments which is surprising, but very satisfying. For the end, poem "In Flanders Fields" that will make even the hardest metal chained heart tender.
Sixth. Cover and overall look of Great War. Peter Salai did such an amazing work on that matter, i just cannot believe my eyes. In one picture he managed to capture all hopelessness of war and with one devastated soldier ask us "What was all this for"?
Got tired already......nurse.....scalpel.....dissection begins now.

1. The Future of Warfare - Song that opens this masterpiece. In comparison with opening songs on the older albums (Ghost Division, Primo Victoria, Attero Dominatus, Night Witches) this one is not such hymn-like. Nevertheless it is song that presents Sabaton to new listeners in it's full glory and tells them what to expect from this album. Interesting enough, this song has a bit darker tone to it. Also some new progressive moments that are not standard for Sabaton. Theme of the song is about weapon of future.....designed for mass destruction and full-armored explosive death, called tank.
2. Seven Pillars of Wisdom - We are moving on. Song that leads us through life story of one British, far from his homeland, who with his adventures in middle east gained famous nickname "Lawrence of Arabia". Great song that irresistible sounds like "White death", and everything that resembles anything out of "Coat of Arms" is good in my book.
3. 82nd All the Way - This is legend of 82nd infantry division, and it goes like this. Alvin York, alongside seven of his comrades managed to occupy German machine gun nest, killing 25 and capture 135 people in the process. This part of the lyrics speaks for itself "What Sergeant York achieved that day, Echoes from France to the USA". Definitely one of greatest moments on this album. School example how to best use Sabaton formula to make a hit song.
4. The Attack of the Dead Men - Personally this one is most interestingly-brutal written story. Song name is spot on. Story is about attack on Osowiec fortress, located in what is now Poland, by poison chlorine gas. After they thought everyone died, Germans attacked. Surprisingly for them, Russian defenders responded hard, faces destroyed from gas aftermath, with tissues over mouth, coughing blood, they actually fought them off. Thus they called them "Dead man", because they were literally living zombies. Interesting thing is that this song was to me after first listening nothing special. After more and more repeat, now is at the very top of this album. Special mention to song's bridge (part just before chorus), where everything sloes down, music and singing, literally creating movie scene where gas strikes and hallucinations and death takes on. One of the best moments on Great War.
5. Devil Dogs - Let's take a little break of me just glorifying everything about this album. This is to me first weaker song. Hold on....easy with mouth foam, i said weaker, not bad. Something like "Killing ground" on Carolus Rex. Classical Sabaton song, which (again, to me) does not stand out. If in the future half of all their albums be like this song and i will be happy. "Devil Dogs" is the name for American marines that fought in WW1, and their time being in Belleau forest. Twin brother of "Smoking snakes" musically.
6. The Red Baron - Second single that announced album at it's finest. And what is the best way to start then with Sebastian Bach. No, no, Skid Row does't have anything with this. Although it is classic. Proof number one that Sabaton doesn't afraid to experiment. This one is filled with Hammond Organ, screaming Deep Purple vibe all around, and it's purpose is to honor the most well known pilot that ever flew. Of course it's Red Baron and his "Flying circus" escadrille. First time that they make "shuffle" song.
7. Great War - So far, we learned from experience that every song that bares the same name as album title, has to be metal hymn. Great war did not disappoint on that matter and wears that badge proudly on hairy chest like a badge of honor. Hymn of this album in every word. and tells the story about mother who received two telegrams about death of her two sons. Third, last son, who heard this decided he is not going home as an envelope, so he was brought back to USA. Special epicness comes in form of choir singing and composition here.
8. A Ghost in the Trenches - I will use grown up terminology here. Can a man squirt? Yes, he can. Approximately on 2:50 minutes of this song. Who heard it, knows what i'm talking about. Personally, one of top three songs of whole album. Why? I have no idea. Exactly that is why Sabaton is such great band. Because there is no popular opinion on which is the best song or album with Sabaton music. Everyone's favourite is something else. Sabaton is for that band for everybody. This one sings about absolute madman named Fancis Pegahmagabow, who aside being one of most well known sniper in the war, he was also real life ghost. At night he would cross to the enemy trenches undetected and steal ammo, food and medications, returning it to the canadians. Under fire......UNDER FIRE!
9. Fields of Verdun - This one i cannot just tell in few sentences. Longest battle, that lasted nearly one year! To be precise 303 goddamn days. It's dedicated to French heroism in defense of Verdun. And yeah....it was bloody and gory as it could be. Music itself is thing that makes Sabaton the best bend on fucking earth. If someone new who hears Verdun for the first time, and Sabaton whatsoever doesn't like it, then good luck finding happiness in pop music and good luck getting chorus out of your head. With all right this was first single and music video material.

10. The End of the War to End All Wars - Imagine a scene......soldier stands on top of endless bodies, in sea of blood and ammo shells. War ended. Finally. Great war. War that supposed to define further history of mankind and bring peace. And has it? Soldier asks himself here: "Was this worth it", "Why all this blood needed to be spilled and what we got out of it"? Musical concept supposed ro represent chaos. No order or sense, emotions of all kind, from sorrow to anger, fear to hopelessness. And once again......i need to be honest. As much i like this song, and as much it had some masterful composed sections, this is second weakest moment on album. Shoot, but it is how it is. Let's be perfectly clear. I'm glad it exist and i wouldn't change it for anything.
11. In Flanders Fields - First Sabaton song where there is no Sabaton. We hear only choir. This is probably the best possible way to end album like this about horrors of war. Poem, written by Canadian soldier John McCrae, and band only composed music to his lyrics. Beautiful song that calms down thunder of explosions and screaming of the wounded.
I could go on and on about history of each song, but i god sometging even better. For some time now, Sabaton History Channel on YouTube is active and strong. Little by little they make short episodes about history behind each song. Host and co-creator is none other than grand motherfucker Indy Neidell, a man who's history knowledge is mystery by itself. So....if you are willing for billing, patreon is ready and the awards are going to be awesome.
Another thing i nearly forgot about is the fact that before album came out, Sabaton announced "surprise" song that wasn't on the album. It was of course "Bismarck", that pays respect to the most fearful ship across seven seas. Song is done as a collaboration with game "World of warships", to which they also did movie-like video for. Before song officialy premiered, i thought it will be average song like "Harley from hell" or something like that......but no.....one of the best song Sabaton ever recorded.
And for the end (finally), it would be nice to say that the band, that started with nothing but ambition 20 years ago in small town of Falun, now headlines American tour.....yeah. And whilst we wait for April and keep fingers crossed that we'll be in the tour, preparations are in place with Great war. Album came out in three different versions. Regular album, History edition version with narration about every song and "Soundtrack to Great War" that sounds like orchestrated soundtrack to a movie or theater show, featuring amazing Floor Jansen as a guest. Forth version is specially done for patreon supporters.

Special thanks to my best man Nebojša Mitrović and all the shit he was forced to explain to me, because i was to lazy to search for myself :)
From me that's it so far........three year countdown begins now. Great war.....the war to end all wars
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